E-Signature Options Now Available

  • When documents are ready for signature, you will receive an email from RightSignature (documents@rightsignature.com).  Please add this email address to your safe sender list.
  • Open the email and Click on “Review & Sign Document” to begin the process.
  • You, as the signer, will be asked to verify your identity and answer identify verification questions.
    • You will need to enter your Date of Birth, Last 4 digits of SSN and Address when you begin.
    • You will have 3 attempts to correctly answer the identity questions.
    • Please notify our office if you are unsuccessful and locked from the file.
    • Follow all prompts for completing signatures once your identity is verified.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from RightSignature when your document has been properly signed and submitted.

We will upload documents to your ShareFile portal and you will be notified from noreply@sf-notifications.com.  You should print and/or save these documents for your records.  However, you must follow the prompts listed above to complete the e-signature process.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 615.206.0360 or via email.  Thank you for allowing us to be of service!